The PLS Pill: Four Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Pharmacy School
Need a dose of inspiration as the school year starts? Check out this blog on wisdom you can bring with you as you enter pharmacy school by MAL Natalie Young of Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
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Four Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Pharmacy School
1. Listen to the advice of others
Being in my final year of pharmacy school, it truly feels like I have come full circle from hearing
people give me advice during my first year, to now giving advice in my last year. Throughout the
years, you will have professors, upperclassmen, people in the healthcare field, etc. tell you
advice on how to make your years in pharmacy school count….LISTEN TO THEM. Do not
push it off and forget the insightful tips they tell you because it is most likely the advice they
wish they had before starting school.
2. Network! Network! Network!
This is one of the biggest mistakes I made in pharmacy school, not networking with everyone I
had the chance to. Think of networking as an investment in yourself. Networking can be huge for
your future career and will NEVER hurt you! Take the opportunity to connect with as many
people, presenters, residents, fellows, etc. as you can. This is a great way to create relationships
and find out different jobs in the pharmaceutical world to help figure out what it is you want to
do in the future!
3. Rely on your classmates
This statement is something that truly means the world to me. I would not have gotten through
pharmacy school without my group of friends. Everyone in your class is in the same position you
are and understands the stress that comes with pharmacy school. My classmates are the biggest
reason for my success and help to hold you accountable. Be open to making friends and creating
study groups, you will all have your strengths and weaknesses and become each other’s greatest
4. Your mental health is more important than your grades
Throughout pharmacy school, you will be faced with challenges you have not experienced
before. You will have to adjust to a whole different curriculum and manage your time much
differently. It is important to remember that your overall well being is more important than
passing a test! There will always be another assignment, quiz, or test to make up for one you did
not do too well on, but there will never be another you! Prioritize yourself and your happiness.