Pharmacy Leadership
Recognize leaders in the profession, cultivate leadership development, and inspire transformational change.
The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to promote the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students.
By peer recognition, the Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities. Since membership crosses fraternal and organizational lines, the Society does not compete with other pharmacy organizations.
Check Out Our Upcoming Events:
PLS/ Rho Chi APhA Reception Sign-Up
Rho Chi and Phi Lambda Sigma are excited to co-host a reception at APhA on Sunday March 23rd, 2025 We are limited to 250 attendees, so please grab a spot …
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GiANT Workshop: Delegate with Impact
Join Dr. Brandon Jennings, PharmD, BCACP as he guides us through GiANT's strategy to "Delegate with Impact." Learn to effectively delegate within your team. This session will be held Tuesday, …
Want to learn more about Phi Lambda Sigma?
Check out the pages below to get to know us and our team!
Purpose and History
The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to promote the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students.
Mission and Strategic plan
The Mission of Phi Lambda Sigma is to recognize leaders in the profession, cultivate leadership development, and inspire transformational change.
Chapter Listings and Region Map
Click here to see a list of active chapters. You can also see a map of our regions and find out what region your chapter belongs to.
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is elected by our membership at the House of Delegates and serves 1-3 year terms. Click here to meet our current Board members.
Regional Liaisons
Regional Liaisons serve the society by serving as a support system for chapters within their region. Each RL serves a 1-year term and is appointed by the Board of Directors. Click here to meet our current Regional Liaisons!
Staff Directory
Our staff consists of prior and current Phi Lambda Sigma members. The staff aim to support the mission and vision of the current Board of Directors. Click here to meet our staff!