GiANT Leadership Corner
GiANT is a media and content development company specializing in leader transformation and development. Its tools and resources are readily used by PLS to assist in progressing our mission of recognizing leaders in the profession, cultivating leadership development, and inspiring transformational change.
Phi Lambda Sigma readily calls upon GiANT to promote our mission and provide student pharmacists, practitioners, and friends of PLS with the resources and tools they may need to remain dynamic in their growth as leaders. Through various webinars, lectures, programming, and events, PLS can continue this conversation beyond [this event] to explore your needs as a leader.

Want access to the GiANT Leadership Corner?
PLS offers our members access to GiANT’s exceptional leadership tools. If you or your PLS Chapter would like access to these GiANT Leadership Corner resources, please click HERE to fill out a form to be granted access. Once you receive the password from the form administrator, see the button below to be taken to the GiANT Leadership Corner page.